Monday, December 28, 2009

Seperation of Bible and brain...

Seperation of Bible and brain...

The efforts of the LU faculty to spur it’s students to vote in local elections this year not only proved to be effective, but of course timely and reasonable. Liberty desperately needed conservative officials to be elected so that the university could recover it’s long lost property rights, etc. From my perspective this is all well and good, however the seeming onslaught of political deliberation included convocation after convocation, is much to much.

My roomates were seemingly never happy with me this semester, (as far as I could tell) but one of them was particularly displeased with me when the two of us engaged in a discussion regarding politics, Liberty University convocation, and the dastardly alliance of the two via the 3 weekly meetings that take place at 10am sharp in the Vines Center. Although my political views do tend to lean ever so slightly in the same direction as those furnished by Liberty University, I am still dismayed that the LU faculty seeks to include the level of political deliberation that they do. I’d be lying if I said I felt as if my time was being wasted during these “convocations of political nature,” but instead, I feel as if God’s time is being wasted, and in more ways than one. Convocation, in my opinion, is supposed to emphasize fellowship, and JESUS… not republicanism. As I may have mentioned earlier, I can tolerate a convocation that attempts to get students involved in voting that will aid the University. I can even be supportive of a speaker who uses Biblical support to teach the student body as to how it might be considered Biblical to support particular conservative causes, in fact, I myself can think up several passages of scripture that would endorse “right side values.” Adversely, it is completely uncalled for, and not at all Christlike for a convocation speaker to utter profanities and refer to fellow Americans and people as “Liberal snobs” during his time on stage. Moreover, shouldn’t it be better if our time spent during convocation be dedicated solely to “Christ the King,” instead of “such and such the republican.” I suppose my bottom line is this: there will always be political disagreements amongst Christians; it doesn’t matter if you or I like it. The sad truth is that many, many, “Christians” are more eager to identify as a onservative,” or a “liberal” than they are to identify as a CHRIST FOLLOWER. Forget, yes I said FORGET the politics, let’s use our time in a way that is undoubtedly edifying for all the students at Liberty, regardless of their political ideals.

My best friend Josh White says it best; he claims that scripture reveals a need for men to rely on God, NOT a need to rely on politics, or politicians.

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